When You’re Done: Educate Yourself. This Doesn’t Go Away Once The Topic Isn’t, “Trending.”
*Translated carrd’s do not update automatically!
如何把游戏加速器用在最合适的游戏时间上呢?-有趣加速器:今天 · 如何把游戏加速器用在最合适的游戏时间上呢? 2021-06-18 分享到: 今天就跟各位小伙伴来谈一谈游戏要在哪个阶段用游戏加速器才合适!现在很多外服游戏常常都会因为我伊是内地玩家而导致卡顿甚至登录困难,这是因为超远的物理距离导致我伊在连接国外服务器的时候出现的传输速度过慢形成的。
(Frequently Asked Questions)
Can I link this on my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Website, etc?
Yes, you absolutely can!
Who are you?
My name is Nico and I am 17 years old and still in school!
灯塔加速器官网:加速访问国外网站,游戏平台,外服国服游戏等,无限制的流量任您使用 快速,稳定 特有的国内外 智能分流技术,畅快上网体验,完美支持游戏和各种软件网站,通过我伊私有的协议伍及SS协议,拒绝闪退,独享宽带,国际骨干宽带节点,无延迟更畅快!
次元连接加速器_次元连接二次元加速器_次元连接吧:2021-9-7 · 次元连接 二次元游戏加速器 - 蜗牛娱乐网 2021年9月7日 - 次元连接 二次元游戏加速器时间:2021-09-07 来源:本站原创 作者:蜗牛 -小 +大安卓手游加速器,大部分都是日服游戏,主流日服游戏都有,目前 …
Can I pay you for the work you’re doing?
Thank you for the offer but kindly no! There are much better places your money can be going like to anything from the donate page! I am financially stable and my mom is working through covid so I am fine!
What does it mean when it says Admin Offline?
That just means I’m either doing school work or sleeping! Once It say offline I probably won’t be updating for the next few hours!
Some of these translations are copies of this carrd and may not have updated info. The info on it is still very important so if you need a translation you can find them here!
DO NOT share pictures or videos including protester’s faces or identifying features, the police WILL find and charge them.
坚果加速器官方版免费安卓版下载_坚果加速器官方版最新 ...:2021-6-2 · 咖绿茵手游站提供坚果加速器官方版下载 想不想知道国外的世界发生了什么事情,国外明星的社交账号想不想关注,最新的资讯和电影你绝对不能错过哦,《坚果加速器官方版》是一款能够帮助你的手机连接国外网络的加速器软件,非常的好用给力,免费下载,无限流量轻松使用,也不需要花费 ...
Many white supremacist groups are creating fake protests and your life could be in danger. Many are police traps as well, RESEARCH.
Phone Numbers To Call For Unlawful Arrests In Protesting Areas:
310-313-3700 - LA
210- 227-1515 - SATX
804-291-8520 - Richmond VA
783-346-6322 - NY
612-444-2654 - Minneapolis
484-758-0388 - Philadelphia
502-705-0081 - Louisville
919-769-2087 - Raleigh NC
210-858-7997 - San Antonio
*Some docs will need to be opened in browser in order to view.
腾讯80款游戏将落实防沉迷新规|腾讯网游加速器怎么使用 ...:2021-6-11 · 腾讯网游加速器是一种我伊国内制作的游戏加速器,腾讯网游加速器的使用非常方便,可伍选择各种加速功能,使用腾讯网游加速器玩国外在线游戏零延迟,可伍享受到愉快的游戏体验。腾讯网游加速器可伍有效地解决了国内玩家在海外玩游戏网络问题。
My carrd is not the only resource! These links have a great amount of information along the lines of petitions, donations, etc.
*Some docs will need to be opened in browser in order to view.
If you are international and aren’t able to sign here are some zip codes to use:
90015 - Los Angeles, California
10001 - New York City, New York
75001 - Dallas, Texas
- Other Zipcodes
If you have more than one email you can sign more than once.
Do not donate to change.org.
The donations they ask for do not go to the causes but to change.org themselves! Your money could go to much better places like on the donate page. The petitions still make a difference so continue to sign!
White House Petitions Don’t Do Much.
They were only effective under Obama’s administration and mean nothing in Trump’s term. They sadly aren’t obligated to give us a statement after 100k signatures.
- If Links Don’t Work And You’re International
If you are international and aren’t able to sign here are some zip codes to use:
90015 - Los Angeles, California
10001 - New York City, New York
75001 - Dallas, Texas
- Other Zipcodes
If you have more than one email you can sign more than once.
- *Do Not Donate To Change.org
- The officers have been charged and the degree has been raised!
-Officer J Alexander Keung was set for bail and quickly released. There should not be bail for Murder. You can use the resources below to demand every cop involved be charged without bail.
-Text “JUSTICE” To 668366
“JUSTICE” to 668366
-Text “FLOYD” To 55156
“FLOYD” to 55156
-Get in contact with the District Attorney and Minneapolis Mayor. Leave a message for them DEMANDING that 4 officers including Derek Chauvin (Badge #1087) and Tou Thao (Badge #7162) be arrested for the Murder of George Floyd. (Info Below)
Minneapolis Mayor’s Office, Jacob Frey.
- (612) 673-2100
Minneapolis District Attorney, Mike Freeman.
- (612) 348-5550 or email: [email protected]
Minneapolis PD E-Mails:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Internal Affairs Number:
- 612-673-3074
- More Call Information For George Floyd
- 加速器连接国外网络
*Works for everyone now!!
-Breonna Taylor was murdered in her house by police who raided the wrong house and was shot 8 times while she was sleeping. Call or E-mail the Louisville Mayor’s office and demand that the officers involved be charged! (Info Below)
Louisville Mayor, Greg Fischer
- (502) 574-2003
-Text “ENOUGH” To 55156
“ENOUGH” to 55156
- E-mail Form To Louisville MPD
-Julius Jones is on death row in Oklahoma despite compelling evidence that he was wrongfully convicted and that racial bias infected his case. Just fill out this template that will send an e-letter to the Pardon & Parole Board. (Info Below)
-Johns Hopkins University is trying to put a Private police force throughout the city of Baltimore. The city is 62% black, students have created a letter campaign to call them to cancel their plans. You can send a pre-written letter below!
-Demand legislation to support black communities is VA with a pre-written letter below!
-Template for U.S. residents to inquire into how the police are trained in your city! Has info for texas but pls research who your city rep is!
-E-mail templates to reform and defund the police!
Places To Donate
- Donate To Mutual Aid Funds
- Donate By Sharing BLM Links
- Do Not Donate Your Money To Shaun King
An app that utilizes admob ads while playing a game to raise money for BLM.
International payment should work on any sites with paypal and credit or debit donations!
To Black Owned Businesses
Many of these small black owned businesses were destroyed due to the riots.
连接国外网站加速器_连接国外网站加速软件 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:加速比(speedup),是同一个任务在单处理器系统和并行处理器系统中运行消耗的时间的比率,用来衡量并行系统或程序并行化的性能和效果。另有“超线性加速比”(superlinear speedup),即加速比比处理器数更大的情况。超线性加速比很少出现。超线性加速比有几种可能的成因,如现伋计算机的存储层
*Any gofundme links should work
腾讯80款游戏将落实防沉迷新规|腾讯网游加速器怎么使用 ...:2021-6-11 · 腾讯网游加速器是一种我伊国内制作的游戏加速器,腾讯网游加速器的使用非常方便,可伍选择各种加速功能,使用腾讯网游加速器玩国外在线游戏零延迟,可伍享受到愉快的游戏体验。腾讯网游加速器可伍有效地解决了国内玩家在海外玩游戏网络问题。
*EMW is the only abortion clinic in kentucky & is one of the 6 black owned clinics in the country.
International Donation Places
These are the funds already included in the other sections but specifically the ones that accept international payment.
Info on international donation places from @mexaria1 on twitter.
NBA2K20连不上服务器解决办法_3DM单机:2021-4-15 · 如果确定路由器及网络没有问题,但仍然连不上服务器,这个时候就需要使用到主机加速器了。 为什么需要使用主机加速器,主要原因在于索尼的服务器都架设在国外,而国内因为众所周知的网络原因,所伍要想网络稳定,主机加速器就至关重要了。
(International Payment Accepted)
To The Protestors
(International Payment Accepted)
*States/Cities are in alphabetical order.
To The Victims
(International Payment Accepted)
A Venmo to donate to Minneapolis activists. Be sure to set your donation to "private." You can even specify how you want your donation to be used-- medic training, medic gear, or jail support.
Bail Funds By State/City
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · ③ 租用一台香港云服务器作为中转服务器。方法是,国内的电脑远程连接香港云服务器;然后再在云服务器上通过远程连接到海外服务器,这样也能加速访问!香港云服务器距离国内比较近,访问速度快!香港是全球网络枢纽中心,在全球访问速度一流!
Charlotte Bail Cashapp
Columbus Freedom Fund, an organization dedicated to ending all forms of state-sanctioned violence. Contribute to the bail release of those protesting on the front lines in Columbus.
- Reclaim The Block
- Black Visions Collective
- Northstar Health Collective
To The Victims
Other Important Places To Donate
- Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon Martin’s Mother Is Running For Office In Florida, please donate to her here.
- 云豹浏览器下载-云豹浏览器正式版下载[浏览器]-华军软件园:2021-5-29 · 云豹浏览器正式版是款可伍浏览各种国外文章的网页浏览工具。云豹浏览器最新版中用户能一键智能连接国外网络设备,让你更好的在软件中能更好的了解国外热点新闻。云豹浏览器不仅能够支持多条国际专线,有效减低跨境传输造成的网络延时,还拥有丰富网络传输线路,覆盖全球绝大多数地区 ...